It's funny how many excuses we can come up with but I also like getting really curious about where my resistance to taking action is coming from.

In my case, it's usually fear. Fear of "failure", fear of not being good enough, fear of looking silly, fear of not being able to live up to my own lofty expectations, fear of looking silly in front of others, etc.

But, at the end of the day if I let all those voices win out then I'm still exactly where I started. Safer perhaps, in theory, but a lot less satisfied. And with the knowledge that I let the fear win.

Cheering you on and looking forward to hearing how you got on next week!

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Yeah I’m starting to understand more and more where things are showing up for me and why

Mine has a lot of fear entangled particularly with a fear of being seen, being good enough

Thanks Cassie, as am I with you! Looking forward to what’s to come for you and me :)

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